Reconnecting Humans and Nature

Hello! I am Estrellita the sole proprietor and creator of these products. The bond between people and plants is one that has been forged over thousands of years. My intention is to be a bridge connecting the natural healing world to those who are looking for an alternative path. I am grateful for the knowledge, comfort, food, and medicine that I have recieved from the botanical world during my life’s journey.

Learn more below about the products I create, and stop by the shop to see what is available!

If you are interested in a curated product or would like a consultation feel free to contact me.

Thank you for taking the time to visit my website; sending blessings, peace, and love as you continue on your journey!

Medicine from the Earth,

for our bodies

Home Grown

I love gardening and grow majority of the herbs used in my products from seeds. I ensure they receive plenty of sun, water, and love, of course!


I buy local honey, beeswax, containers, and more from other small businesses in my area. It is important to me to support others as my business grows.


I ensure that nothing is wasted during my process and only use what is necessary to create these products.


All of the ingredients used are in their simplest form and have not been altered in any way.

Friends with Nature

No pesticides or insecticides are used in my garden. I respect the friends that I share my oasis with and understand that we share this earth together.

Ethical Wildcrafting

I only take what I intend to use from the wilderness. Making sure not to disturb any natural habitat or remove any endangered plants.